Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Can I have 'FRIENDS' who are 'ONLY MY FRIENDS'?

I don't want to write but I have to write to get some respite from the madness and sadness of my life. So, here I come....

I have many friends. Some new n some old...not very old as I hardly have anyone from my childhood days to whom I can refer to as a friend. My friends are very good...both new n old...they talk to me, have fun with me, study with me, have meals with me and many more things. But I m not so good as I always try to find a person who is there only for me, one who can understand my feelings without stating them, one with whom I can share anything and everything of my life and one the majority of whose world is occupied by me (if not completely).

Am I too demanding? It seems so as I haven't found this friend of mine yet (some of my graduation friends are close to this) but it's not my fault because when I go for a friendship, I give it my hundred percent or at least try to do so(my friends can tell better) by getting involved at each level of consciousness. And that's where the problem lies as the world is not run by emotions and every individual has his/her own life. Some have their girlfriends or boyfriends around, some have many other friends, some have many other acquaintances and some are even indifferent. I have set too high standards for being a friend of someone as my father used to say "True friends are only one or two". I took it as the ultimate theory of friendship and started finding those one or two but forgot the underlying assumption that "u dont have to find those one or two in everyone". I have always been weak in understanding theories. again my fault...
I m driven by outside world. If I don't talk to people for long, an envelope of gloominess surrounds me but how long can I be satisfied with superfluous talks? how long?
At times, I want someone with whom I can share my feelings without any restrictions.

I've always wondered and made fun of people who spend their leisure time alone without interacting with anyone but 'life is a circle' (someone close to me use this very often) and now I realize that there is nothing as commendable as this attitude of enjoying the solitude.

The lessons are not to involve emotions in everything as world is not run by emotional fools like me and learn to enjoy the solitude (derive ur energy from within).

The above two lessons are hard to learn but I'll give them a try before saying I can't do...............


  1. We are going through similar kind of changing phases i feel!! U will find the right way soon..i knw..Realizing is the first step and i am happy you crossed that sucesful....Success will come next!!
    And i am always there only for u..ok so dont say there is no one..

  2. thanx for this encouragement and i also think that finding the right direction is half work done........
